Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth

- Mohamed Ali

Cause and destination of funds:

The Hercules Challenge Charity is supporting its first cause by helping a dear friend of its founder. Serge had an accident while jumping into a lake during his middle school years, which resulted in a physical disability. He now needs a wheelchair to move around, which has made his life very complicated. His determination and courage in the face of the cards life has dealt him is extraordinary. The aim of the Hercules Challenge Charity Cup is to raise funds for his vital living costs, including rent and medical bills, until Serge is able to find a job that will allow him to support himself. We greatly appreciate any support you can provide.

Asociacion Benefica Hercules Challenge is a registered charity in Spain with NIF number G16360166. It has no employees and all organisers are involved on a volunteer basis. For all any enquiries please contact: